Thursday, May 9, 2013

what can i do too help...

what can i do too help... i made this so i could help people in need, but i can not even solve the problem with my stepdad. i can not solve my problems yet i go and try too help others which is easier for me. humph how is that even possible? so you all know i am in special education. no i am not mentally challenged but i do have difficulties with certain things. i have add, adhd, ptsd, seperation anxiety, and autism. now most people might think why would i get help from some special ed person... well it may be do too you able to understand that no matter what, no matter who, can have the same pain or the same struggles in life. i feel pain like you do. i deal with that pain as well. but i have trouble expressing myself. i used too get into fights alot because i would get teased and all there was in my life was negativity. i have lived in children shelters before even. my life has been a constant battle for sanity and peace. i do not know if it is even a battle i could win but it is one i must fight.

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